
British Columbia Lottery Corporation

bclc-passport_Left 3 - Extra.png

bclc-passport_Centre 3 - Extra.png

A name, a logo, and a future.

Verrall Design was tasked with rebranding BCLC’s ‘Fast Five’ program with a name and visual identity that better represented the project’s goals of internal unification for player identity systems.

Passport represents an opportunity for BCLC, the crown corporation responsible for gaming in British Columbia. A chance to modernize and gain a strategic edge.

Designed within the parameters of BCLC’s visual identity, Passport’s primary icon is a literal passport, with the text and icon fields forming a person. The three dots below are taken from BCLC’s primary logo.

Similarly, Passport’s wordmark is an overt adaptation of BCLC’s logo, using a modified version of the ‘Condition’ and ‘Meltix Bold’ fonts.
